
Insurance Policy

What to Know About the Insurance Claim Process

Insurance Policy
Insurance claims can be confusing and difficult to navigate. You may often find that you don’t even know what you don’t know when it comes to the insurance claim process. So, let’s demystify as much as we can and make the insurance claim process easy for you and anyone else involved. Insurance Claims are Complicated…

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Good Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent

Financial Services, Toms River, New Jersey, Capstone
Owning or managing a fleet is hard work. Keeping the fleet running smoothly is even harder work. But we know you, we know you want to provide the best service to your customers, while also operating an efficient, safe, and profitable fleet. But your insurance premiums are super costly. And they keep rising, according to…

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The Importance of Worker’s Compensation Insurance for Small Businesses

Financial Services NJ
Insurance is a great way to protect your business. For small businesses, it can also be a great way to protect your personal assets. However, you do not want to have too much insurance, because then you waste money in premiums. So, many small businesses wonder if they should have worker’s compensation insurance. The answer…

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Understanding Workers’ Compensation Insurance: What It Is and Who Needs It

Insurance Policy
Wondering if you need workers’ compensation insurance? It can be a great benefit for business owners looking to protect their workers and minimize their own liability. It is even required in some states. However, workers’ compensation insurance is not for every employer. Read on to find out what it is and who needs it. What…

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Transportation Insurance Services For Emerging Industries

Transportation Insurance Services For Emerging Industries
The world is on the cusp of change. There are whispers of another industrial revolution. Whatever it may be, and whenever it may come, industries as we know it will likely change magnificently. You already know some of the things that come to mind, electronics and data processing of all kinds, artificial intelligence, green energy…

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The Importance Of Transportation Insurance For Commercial Fleets

The Importance Of Transportation Insurance For Commercial Fleets
Commercial trucking is the most valuable form of transporting goods in America, by a long shot. The total value of goods shipped by truck in 2017 was 12 trillion dollars, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. That was over 60% of the total value of goods shipped. As you can see, commercial trucking is…

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Workers Compensation Audits

Insurance, Financial Services, Toms River, New Jersey, Capstone
Workers’ Compensation Insurance Audit Services When you have workers’ compensation coverage, you should know that you can be audited. Insurance companies want to ensure that you are operating your workers’ compensation program fairly. If you are facing an audit, here are some things you can do to make it run more smoothly. Unlike other types…

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Workers Compensation Benefits and Their Categories

Workers Compensation Benefits and Their Categories
Workers’ compensation insurance is insurance that employers get to cover employees in the event of injury or illness on the job. Some states require businesses to carry workers’ compensation benefits for their employees. However, even in states that do not require it, it can be financially beneficial for employers to have the coverage. It protects…

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Medical Expenses

Medical Expenses
If you are looking at workers’ compensation coverage for your employees, you are probably interested in medical expense coverage. While it is true that workers’ compensation covers medical expenses for your employees who experience covered work-related injuries, it is not blanket coverage for all medical expenses. Understanding what type of medical expenses are covered can…

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Experience Modification Rate for Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Experience Modification Rate for Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Worried about the cost of workers’ compensation insurance? Make sure and ask about the experience modification rate (EMR). The EMR is a way for safe workplaces to get a discount on their workers’ compensation coverage. The EMR is a multiplying factor that reflects a company’s claim history. The safer your workplace, and the fewer workers’…

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